To commemorate World Environment day under the theme “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience ” a tree planting activity was organised by the Primary Eco school leader Ms Sylvie. Students and teachers from both primary and secondary Wildlife clubs joined staff from the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority to plant 200 seedlings of Bois de Natte and Bois de Tab at Sans Souci.
The activity took place on Friday 21st of June and was a real success. Students were able to learn techniques for growing seedlings in a natural forest such as how to space seedling apart, how to dig holes and how to build small bunds infront if the seedling on the slope to reduce the possibility of the seedling being eroded away with heavy rainfall.
Ms Kelsy from SPGA gave a nice introductory message to the students emphasising the need to plant trees as an important measure to combat desertification and mitigate impacts of climate change.
The students really enjoyed themselves and felt proud of their efforts at the end of the activity.