Our Curriculum

Through our curriculum, we aim to ensure that all pupils leave the School having developed their potential to the maximum, achieve their best Cambridge standards and are ready to take their place in the changing world of work or continue along their chosen path in further education.

In the Early Years (K1 -K2) the emphasis is to introduce the children to the School in a fun environment where they are given the opportunity to develop their social, language, aesthetic and academic skills in a gentle way through play, music, drama art and handicraft. By the time they reached K2, the foundations laid in K1 are reinforced and a more formal approach to learning is introduced to prepare children for the more formalised teaching methods that will be used in subsequent school years.

In the Junior Years, (P1 – P6) emphasis is placed on Literacy/Numeracy and pupils are prepared for the Cambridge International Examination Primary Checkpoint Exams at the end of Primary 6. Pupils are often taught in small groups and those in need receive special needs support. Specialist subject teaching is increased in higher classes with specialist teachers delivering specific subjects.

In years S1 – S3 a variety of teaching methods, mainly whole class teaching, but including group work, is used to allow all students to fulfil their potential. All students receive an initial grounding in a wide range of subjects as preparation for the IGCSE Programme in S4 and S5. They also follow PSE and Physical Education. Guided option choices are made at the end of Secondary Year 3.
The common three-year courses include English Language with embedded Literature, French, Mathematics, Geography, History, Science, Art & Design and ICT. In S3, Science is taught in its three traditional components Biology, Chemistry and Physics. At this level, Literature is also taught as a separate subject. Students also follow additional non-assessed subjects such as PSE and PE.
In years S4 – S5, pupils are usually in their final two years of secondary education. All students follow the compulsory subjects, namely English, French, Mathematics, Geography and Biology. They are usually allowed to sit English as a Second Language, and French as a Foreign Language at the end of S4. Students then choose three or more optional subjects from the subjects on offer and English as a First Language. The optional subjects currently on offer are History, English Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies, Environment Management, ICT or Computer Science and Art. For balance, students must choose at least one Humanities subject and one Science. Additional non-assessed subjects are PSE and Physical Education.
At S5 students are also given the opportunity to sit for the DELF, an official diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify that foreign candidates have achieved a certain level of French. Our students usually opt for one of these three diplomas: DELF A2, DELF B1 and DELF B2.
Students who are admitted in years AS – A2, must meet the minimum requirements stipulated by the School for the various subjects on offer. The subjects are taken at Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level in the first year and students may take three to four subjects. In the second year, students may drop a subject and take 3 subjects at A2 Level.

A) Secondary Section


B) Primary & Kindergarten Sections


Independent School Limited is a secular private school in the Seychelles. The School enjoys an excellent reputation in the academic performance of its students. The roll is currently 1087 as shown in the table below.

MALE 307 172 31 510
FEMALE 322 223 32 577
TOTAL 629 395 63 1087


There are 152 staff members, comprising 107 teaching staff (including those designated to support pupils with additional learning needs) and 41 support/admin staff including a generous complement of teaching assistants in Kindergarten and Primary sections.