EVENTS  1ST2ND3RD 4TH5TH6TH60 M Girls P1-P2Eazrah Radegonde  10:77 NEPEmilie Preira   10:87 NEPAbigail Vidot   10:87 VENUSLua Jean-Charles   10:89 MARSAbigail Antat   11:20 MARSAlza Hissen-Lee 11:69 Venus60M BOYS  P1-P2Kaylem Waye-hive 10:76 MARSAkash Padayachy 10:83 VENUSMaghadesh Murugan 11:44 MARSLouis  Dingwall   11:90 NEPMaximo Revera   12:32 VENUSNathan Gappy   12:72  NEP60M  GIRLS U 10Kielle Ho-Yuen-Chen 10:15…

Independent School Play

On Friday 5th August, the A level Drama Club of Independent School performed The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens, to a full house. The AS and A2 students, who have been practising for the past few months, entertained the audiences over two nights with this murder-mystery comedy. Fabian Nolin stole the show as the powerful, creepy,…

A2 Economics Ministry of Finance Article

by Gaëlle ConfaitThe 8 A2 Economics students, accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. Tainy Payet, were privileged to meet with high officials from the Ministry of Finance during their informative visit on Friday 26th November 2021. Minister Naadir Hassan, SS Patrick Payet, PS for Trade, Ms. Cillia Mangroo, and Director-General for Economic Planning, Lenny Palit, were…

Anti-Bullying week

Independent School kick-started their Anti-Bullying week, which runs in many countries every November, with an assembly organised by the school’s peer educators and counsellors. Stand Up, Step Up Seychelles representatives spoke to the students about this year’s theme, one kind word, and about speaking kindly to each other. The over-arching message is that we are…