Independent Primary School is situated at Union Vale in the heart of English River district.. We firmly hold the pupils’ best interests at the heart of everything we do. The primary section has over pupils on rell from Kindergarten to Year 6. We foster a love of learning and provide our pupils with the aspiration to become whoever they want in the future.
School starts at 07:45am with tea break from 10:00 – 10:25 and lunch break from 12.25– 01:05pm. Formal class begin at 08:00am. Class finishes at 02:30pm (or sometimes 3:00 or 3:30 if they have extra class)
After School Supervision
Supervision starts from 02:30 pm to 3:00 pm. There is minimum supervision between 03:00 and 04:00pm, therefore parents are asked to collect their child by 3:30pm.
When a child has to leave the campus during school hours, the class teacher will fill in a form and sign it. The parent/guardian collecting the child must also complete form details, sign and leave the form with the Security Guard at the gate.
Such leave should coincide with the school holidays. In cases where this is not possible, the school should be informed in writing, stating departure date, duration of leave and the time the child will resume school.
Minor ailments or injuries are first screened by the School nurses, Mrs Quatre and Ms Ruby who are qualified nurses. If the case is deemed to be in need of professional attention, the child will be taken to the English River Clinic. Parents are always informed of the details of the ailment/accident and condition of the child. In minor cases, the child is made comfortable and remains under supervision in the sick bay until parents arrive.
It is important for parents to be made aware of the standards, expectations and ethics of the school from the beginning and that the very young children are geared towards these goals. Download the Code of Conduct using the link below.Student Code of Conduct
The medium of instruction is English but French is a subject taught in Primary 1 to S5.
There are 8 periods per day with subjects run as single lessons or double.
Assessment and Reporting
Continuous assessments are carried out and recorded by the subject teachers
throughout each term. The final grades for these are noted on the reports.
Exam (Formal)
P3-P6: Exams are being administered for the following subjects: Maths/ Science/ English/ French/ History/ Geography at the end of Term 2 and 3 only.
Parent/Teacher consultations
These are short meetings on a one-to-one basis between the parent and the class teacher (P1 and P6) held once a year in Term 1 per level to discuss the child’s general performance, progress, and behaviour. The meetings also help to establish a good rapport between parents and teacher.
Class/ Subjects can conduct regular PTC with parents if a child is on close monitoring or when a need arises.
Pupil Promotion
A child may be asked to repeat a grade if she/he does not perform well throughout the year and the teachers feel she/he will not cope with syllabus in the next class. This is done in consultation with the child’s parents.
P1- P2 one homework per day
P3-P6 Two homework per day
A homework slip will be sent home for parents to sign whenever a student fail to complete their homework.
Stationery Required
Visits/ Field Trips
Educational visits are sometimes organised based on the topics within the curriculum. Usually a letter is sent to parents a few days prior to the date. Risk assessments are carried out before each organised excursion, and students are expected to follow the School’s Code of Conduct throughout.
It is recommended that parents/guardians fill all sections of the form. We advise parents/guardians to inform the class teacher of any changes in residential address and contact numbers and e-mail.
The school employs two full time Counsellors, Mrs. Ayuk and Mrs Denise Scholastique, who offer pastoral care and deal with issues of a behavioural nature.
It is recommended that all personal belongings are clearly labelled to avoid loss.
We look forward to working in partnership with you. Your support, cooperation and understanding will be very much appreciated.
School Caterers’ contact details:
Union Vale Campus: Mr Roland Payet; Contact number 2505046
Ile du Port Campus: Mrs Cecile Vidot Contact number 2527127
This is an assessment for use in the final year of Primary education.
The assessments will test students in English, Mathematics and Science.
It enables Cambridge Schools all over the world to obtain an international benchmark of students’ performance.
The aims of the assessments are to identify and address the learning needs of our students in English, Mathematics and Science.
It is an excellent preparation for Secondary.
The assessments are set by experienced Cambridge examiners who are involved in marking them.
This year the P3 students will sit for the Cambridge Progress Test in English, Maths and Science.
Cambridge Primary Progression Tests are internal assessments designed for use in the classroom. They provide valid assessment of knowledge, skills and understanding in English as a first or second language, mathematics and science.
The Progression Tests will be administered in Term 3. The tests are administered for tracking and reviewing the learners’ progress over time and will enable teachers to give structured feedback to learners and provide evidence of learning to parents and school leaders.
The results will provide detailed information about the performance of each of our learners and the understanding of our class overall. They will enable teachers to compare the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups and identify where to focus further teaching.
P3 to P6
P.E | PSE |
Independent School was registered as a Cambridge Primary School in 2014. Since then, teachers have been engaged in teaching the curriculum framework designed by Cambridge Assessment International Education.
In 2019, the school management felt that it was time for the school to be assessed internationally in terms of its teaching and learning and therefore a decision was made to register for Cambridge Primary Checkpoint.